Ever wondered how energy flows smoothly through your devices? It's all thanks to electrolytes. They serve as the medium for ions to move freely during charging and discharging. This essential component keeps the battery running smoothly, allowing you to carry on as well.

More electric batteries means more electrolytes.

Understanding the role of electrolytes is essential for maximizing the performance and efficiency of electric batteries. There has been significant innovation and progress in the field of new energy storage. While some established electric battery types and players exist in the market, new developments are constantly emerging with unique characteristics and applications.


Lithium-ion Batteries (Li-ion)

The most common type of rechargeable batteries used in consumer electronics and electric vehicles is known for high energy density, long cycle life, and low self-discharge rates, making them ideal for a wide range of applications. The two established ones are NMC and LFP, with newer variations in development.


Sodium-ion Batteries (Na-ion)

Sodium is a more readily available resource without the need for rare metals. It is used in energy storage solutions (ESS) and is known to be a safer option with a longer cycle life and a higher temperature range. While research has been ongoing for decades, commercialization is somewhat recent.


Solid State Batteries

Emerging as a promising alternative to traditional lithium-ion batteries, solid-state batteries use solid electrolytes instead of liquid electrolytes, offering higher energy density, faster charging times, and improved safety. While still in the early stages of development, solid-state batteries hold great potential for future applications.

We are technology-agnostic with a tested library of formulations.

As the first major electrolyte producer in North America, we are committed to leading the charge toward a more eco-friendly energy storage solution. Our manufacturing process meets and exceeds the latest incentives and industry regulations aimed at promoting sustainability. By sourcing materials locally and implementing eco-friendly practices, we contribute to the overall goal of achieving a more sustainable and eco-friendly energy storage solution.

  • We strive to source all materials locally in North America to reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with long-distance transportation. Solvents used in our electrolyte production are sourced from the Gulf Coast of the US, utilizing the efficient rail infrastructure for transportation.

    These solvents are formed from the reaction of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide with CO2, providing a safer and more effective method of CO2 capture. Lithium salts, another key ingredient, are sourced from brine wells and fracking wells in the southern US, aligning with our goal of local sourcing.

  • Our primary method of waste minimization involves internal recycling of electrolytes, eliminating waste in both our plant and our customers' facilities. Additionally, any waste gas generated during the process is directed to a scrubber to remove volatile organic substances.

    Effluent from equipment washing and packaging is also carefully managed. Water generated in the recycling process undergoes water treatment before discharge to the sewer, ensuring responsible disposal.

  • To demonstrate our commitment to sustainability, we are pursuing certification under the "Together for Sustainability" initiative. This certification aligns with our goals of responsible sourcing and environmental stewardship.

    Compliance with the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) reinforces our commitment to sourcing materials locally, and reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation.

Our commitment has always been to sustainability and quality manufacturing.

We have done this abroad and now bring our experience back to North America.

As battery demand continues to rise, here’s what we know.

  • We mentioned this earlier. Electrolytes are a crucial component in lithium-ion batteries, facilitating the movement of ions between the battery's electrodes during charging and discharging. Producing high-quality electrolytes is essential for efficient and reliable battery performance in EVs.

  • There is a significant push to increase battery production capacity in North America, driven by government incentives, investments from automakers, and partnerships between battery manufacturers and technology companies. These efforts aim to establish a robust domestic supply chain for EV batteries.

  • Advances in battery technology, such as increased energy density and faster charging capabilities, play a crucial role in enhancing the performance and range of EVs. These advancements contribute to the ongoing transition towards more efficient and practical electric transportation options in North America.

  • At LiNK BT, waste reduction is a top priority. We employ advanced technology to minimize waste generation and ensure safe disposal of any remaining waste. Our stringent environmental management practices comply with EPA regulations and the guidelines of the American Chemical Council's "Responsible Care" program, controlling emissions to air, water, and solid waste.

  • While battery production and disposal do raise environmental concerns, efforts are underway to minimize these impacts. This includes implementing sustainable manufacturing practices, exploring battery recycling technologies, and developing strategies for responsible end-of-life battery disposal.

What drives us

Based on current and announced planned capacities from battery cell manufacturers vs those from electrolyte manufacturers, there is still a huge gap between local electrolyte supply and demand for it.

LiNK-BT will play its part in contributing to the supply by building its own electrolyte plant in North America

Demand for critical materials is on the rise. Local production contributes to supply chain sustainability, resilience, and security.

Get in touch

Reach out to us for information about our products and new formulations.